I take offense that you think its offensive, therefore you should be removed as offensive. there is no age limit where i live, and i couldn't care less about the rest of the world. perfectly fine in my opinion.
I think it's extremely condescending to think that people are so easily lead by virtual drinking (which is actually simple double-clicking). I have never felt the urge to drink after consuming rice wine or dwarven ales and I have also never felt the urge to eat birthday cupcakes or candy canes after playing GW.
The UK government think that people drink excessively because they see people drinking on soaps and films and the dumb public, with no sense of self-worth or minds of their own, take the 'monkey see, monkey do' approach and copy. How patronising is this?
I've played GW for 3 years and haven't thrown a Fireball at someone, whacked them with an axe, hacked their ankles with a scythe or inflicted illnesses on them. Either my skull is too thick for these 'suggestions' to get in or I can distinguish between reality and unreality.
...and for all those who blame the GTA series of games for causing violence, murders, prostitutes, theft, drug and alcohol abuse, they all existed before and will continue to exist.
The blame game is not a way to solve life problems.
I take offense that you think its offensive, therefore you should be removed as offensive. there is no age limit where i live, and i couldn't care less about the rest of the world. perfectly fine in my opinion.
But Anet cares about the rest of the world, apparantly.
keep in mind that with an international player base, Guild Wars players should show consideration to people from all cultures and races.
Alcohol is also offensive to a lot of Christians and Muslims, and cultures where it is seen as evil.
So under Anet's own rule, alcohol is a breach of the T+C's.
If you have kids pay the %^# attention to them and do not expect the teevee or internetz to teach them whats wrong or right. Stupid thread and a stupid conversation. Your concerned with a 12yr old drinking "dwarven ale" even though he reads the most vile stuff conceivable in local chat every minute. Get a clue. I remember all the "gamers" who used to hang out in ra and try and "convert" impressionable kids to what ever wingnut brand of Christianity they practiced. Its cool, grown men attempting to program your kids under the guise of "gw players". But yeah, spiked egg nogs o RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing no. Why are you all so dumb? Just because anet says its 12+ or what ever doesnt mean your 12 yr old daughter should be socializing w/ anonymous adults. Gotta love the ppl who beg for censorship due to their own laziness and ignorance.
Alcohol is also offensive to a lot of Christians and Muslims, and cultures where it is seen as evil.
That's utter nonsense. The "Blood of Christ" is wine for crying out loud. The "Evil" you are speaking to is drinking in excess. I cannot say for the Muslim community as I have little knowledge of their beliefs.
I don't remember stuttering when I said “that's the parent's responsibility to ensure everyone grows up well balanced in the face of all these harmless game activities,” implying that a parent will make a well informed decision when purchasing a babysitter for little Johnny/Suzy.
My point was that since alcoholism is harmless and an optional, fun, appropriate, in-game activity with which every 12 year old is already familiar, based on its being societally acceptible, then why not include other harmless, optional, fun, appropriate, socially acceptable, in-game activities for us title seekers to work towards. Maybe a pokemon “gotta catch 'em all” STD style of title, or some other societal norm with which every 12 yr old will already be familiar. Or maybe I'm confusing socially acceptable with appropriate, silly me. But, then again, it's only a game, so anything goes, right?
I refuse to believe anyone is capable of being this ridiculous through honest ignorance, so I'm going to assume you're trolling and put you on ignore. Especially since you, apparently, registered just to post in this thread.
Alcohol is also offensive to a lot of Christians and Muslims, and cultures where it is seen as evil.
So under Anet's own rule, alcohol is a breach of the T+C's.
Christians are not offended by alcohol.
There is a very specific story in the New Testament in which Jesus turns water into wine, I fail to see how alcohol could be offensive to people who believe this, not mentioning the fact that many Christians regurlarly drink alcohol during communion.
Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol, this is not the same as being offended by it. Additionally it is perfectly acceptable for medical uses.
True members of most world religions are instructed to be tolerant and to respect others, they may choose not to drink alcohol but should accept that other people may choose to do so, and not take offense to this.
It seems to me that questions like this get asked simply to spark controversy or debate and it usually works. Every game has something in it that someone could find offensive or not in line with what they believe in.
If someone finds the sale or use of alcoholic beverages in a PC game offensive then one should find another game to play. Likewise if someone has a problem with a game that involves killing, hacking, maiming, sorcery, or necromancy - then you are probably in the wrong game. In GW, you might also have problems dealing with the jiggly boobs and skimpy outfits of female Elementalists and Rangers - not to mention their dance animations.
To stretch the OP’s point further, one could say that technically most, if not all, of the titles promote the Seven Deadly Sins. Does that affect my real life? Not at all.
I have to say though that when Sims2 came out and sims could cook all kinds of things they seemed to go mostly for pork chops. I wanted pork chops for dinner. Speaking of which, that game has a Cow Plant that eats sims - a lot of people found it offensive. Too funny.
Alcohol just barely appears in GW , it's not a big deal. If the main goal in GW was to overconsume alcohol , then maybe it would be offensive.
I just wish getting drunk in rl was as good in GW
People have been drinking, killing, and performing other 'unsavory' acts for several thousand years.
it didn't take GUILD WARS for it to happen.
I must ask though - Stockholm, how could you not possibly see the overwhelming antagonistic reaction you've reaped when you got it into your head to make this thread?
I refuse to believe anyone is capable of being this ridiculous through honest ignorance, so I'm going to assume you're trolling and put you on ignore. Especially since you, apparently, registered just to post in this thread.
The actual reason I created this acct was because I was afraid that the sarcasm of my posts would be lost on 99% of the people participating in this thread, thank you for proving me right. And I thought you were a lawyer of some sort, good job on viewing an alternative side of a subject then trying to work your ad hominem voodoo and attack my intelligence, well played.
I thought the OP's original question was referring to the age-appropriateness of alcohol exposure to minors in a videogame, and whether or not that was a responsible decision by a game developer. Regardless of whether or not pixellated images are going to contribute to the delinquency of minors, some people are going to have different viewpoints on what is socially acceptable and what is socially responsible. I'm talking big picture here, as in, for example, the religious police in Saudi Arabia will find some things a smite objectional than say pretty much anywhere else in the world. Note, I didn't say that these veiwpoints must be accommodated either, for those foaming at the mouth to attack anything not consistent with that which this echo chamber of a thread has become.
Remember kiddies, you don't get to vote for a reason. Your defense of “aww I'm not gonna start drinking cause of a videogame” is irrelevant. As savvy as you think you may be, there are reasons why protections are in place to protect your immature precious asses. And tho the brunt of these protections should be afforded by your parents, that doesn't always happen, and other entities are obligated to step forward to make responsible decisions for you to not further contribute towards your bad decision making skills while you travel along your road to maturity, hopefully.
I remember a thread a while back proposing for in-game marriages to be a fun, optional, addition to the game. Even in that thread there was a surprising number of ppl advocating for this feature. The thing that always strikes me as funny/sad/unnerving is that a surprising majority of the posters are usually cavalier and flippant and post without thinking and the thread becomes this rabid echo chamber, reinforcing bad ideas, especially when the majority of the defense relies on “it's only a game” “it's just fantasy” etc. I guess I should expect this when I'm participating in a discusson with postcount farmers and the like.
Beer ads appear during major sporting events, (American football, Baseball, etc), since these are aired on regular broadcast channels, most representations of alcohol in games is pretty much appropriate. If a child, who should be supervised while playing, is not instructed how to treat such portrayals, or cannot separate those from "reality", then it is the parents' fault.
Jeez, some of you really need to buy sarcasm detectors.
But you also need to realise that *some* people out there are offended by alcohol, particularly drinking it untill intoxicated. Christians may be allowed to drink it but they arent allowed to get drunk.
Some people are also offended by bouncing breasts, so all female characters need to be deleted.
Some people also hate dancing, so that needs removing to because it insults these people.
Just like they ban people for offensive names, they need to ban all material that can cause offense to anyone.
Some people are offended by fighting, violence and blood, so turn the whole game into polymock.
How many broken sarcasm detectors do we have today?
Location: In your fridge, stealing your pickles. for mah subway
Profession: R/
Open your eyes please, parents. Your kids get all kinds of alcohol/drugs/sex information from the TV and from the day after day. It's nothing new, neither it was 3 years ago. At least half of the teenagers in my school (from 12 to 17) are on alcohol/bullying/smoking/drugs, since at least 7 years ago, and this wasn't brought up by GW.
I haven't heard of anyone suiciding in RL for drinking one beer every minute to achieve their non-existent drunkard title. But I've heard of many kids killing themselves imitating many, many cartoons and dangerous stuff the TV promotes.
If your kids are getting on some bad stuff by playing this game, then you /PHAIL as a parent.
On the bouncing breasts, well the animations are quite bad, so,
I really lol'd when you said something about our society minimizing the alcohol consume. Alcohol sells. Sex sells. Addictions sells. Entertaining sells. Nothing but what your ethics and values are is what matters.